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Feelings for Ballroom dance instructor
Posted by katemeg
4/13/2015  11:09:00 AM
Hi! I used to dance quite a bit when I was in my twenties. Now I am in my late forties and my husband left about 1 year ago. I just started taking Ballroom dance lessons. I knew I'd love it because I love to dance. The problem is 1. I cannot afford it and feel foolish for paying so much (although it is the going rate) and 2. My dance teacher is always complimenting me on how good I am and how quick I pick up. I actually confronted him about this and he swears he wouldn't say so if it wasn't true. He is much younger, married and really cute. We are starting to do dances with greater physical contact. This contact is better (more romantic) than I had with my husband. I don't want to quit dancing or switch to another teacher, but I can't stop getting "turned on" by it. I don't imagine anything ever happening between us, yet I feel foolish. I hate feeling like I am the stereotypical middle-aged divorcee being "wooed" by the Ballroom dance instructor for money. Even if he is straight up and honest. How do I stop feeling so attracted? It is such a high to be touched in such romantic ways.
Re: Feelings for Ballroom dance instructor
Posted by ladydance
4/13/2015  1:51:00 PM
First of all, nothing is ever going to happen between you. He is a younger, married man. He might like you and enjoy teaching you but that's it. You have a feeling you're being played and that might very well be. You use the word foolish in your post a lot. Foolish for paying what you can't afford, foolish for having feelings for your instructor. If you don't want to be the stereotype, then don't be and you won't feel foolish. It is that simple. There is no romance, it is a job for him. There is nothing like dancing to make a woman feel attractive and you may need that at this time of your life, so just enjoy your time together. Just remember when your hour is up, he has moved on. If you can't afford private lessons then try groups, go to parties, see if you can find a partner to share expenses.

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